2 Dudes: Steve James and Bill Snow

Can you sell scorpion on a stick? I am pretty sure this weeks dudes could.

This weeks 2 Dude features 2 sales dudes and they both had some great insight to share with me. I learned more about HubSpot and saved myself about 30 minutes a day. I also learned why is makes sense to outsource that dreaded cold call.

Steve James and Wayne Breitbarth (alumni dude) presented at an event called “SalesTech: Build Your Digital Sales Toolbox using LinkedIn Sales Navigator & HubSpot Sales.” Steve is a very experienced HubSpot user and showed me 2 tricks in particular that save me time. First was the queue feature in HubSpot. It allows me to group tasks together into a queue and work them sequentially. This saves a lot of the navigation time I was spending going between tasks, deals, companies and contacts. The queue organizes my sales tasks into a view that allows for easier completion of those tasks. The second tip was using the #SnippetName shortcut to add snippets into my emails. As many probably already figured out I use some very standard texts in my emails. By combining those snippets and a few sentences of customized correspondence, I am able to deliver a targeted message to my customers. In the end the goal with using sales tools as I learned at the event is to save time. Most importantly to save your customers time. While I love to save my time, I want to save my customers time too. They are all very busy and using these techniques I am able to drip feed them the work that I do, stay on the top of their minds and hopefully be the person they reach out to when they need IT leadership at an affordable price. Steve is dude you can trust if you need to build out a sales process with HubSpot.

The next person I met is a SalesQB. His name is Bill Snow. As a fractional sales executive he and I have a target market that somewhat overlaps. My markers go into a little larger companies and he goes into a some smaller, however there is an overlap. We talked about how we planned to deliver our services, and how we are managing our businesses. We both agreed that face time with executives is the way we win business. He gave me 2 great ideas on how to get that. One is by hiring out the initial call. That initial call can be handled by a less experienced person and as a business leader, I should be focused on maximizing face time. Seems pretty obvious and kind of sales 101 but sometimes I can’t see the forest for the trees. The other was to create a virtual coffee. One of the struggles is getting time with those executives, but imagine if the executive could have coffee with me when it was convenient for them. So watch for my virtual coffee break to be rolled out soon. Bill is a fractional dude you can use to manage your sales organization.

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