2 Dudes: Wayne Breithbarth and Dr Jim Bohn

Welcome to the first edition of 2 Dudes I Met This week. Before to much ado dudes can be female. It is just coincidental that my first 2 dudes are guys.

Had the opportunity to meet 2 very interesting authors last week. 

On Tuesday I was in Wayne Breitbarth one hour LinkedIn webcast. Going in I thought I knew enough about LinkedIn. Oh I was so wrong. Go to his session really helped me understand how I could use LinkedIn for my sales and marketing. In fact I have driven 15 new leads into my CRM HubSpot. They are enough to drive my sales pipeline for the next month and have a potential revenue value of 50K. Not bad for an hours worth of work. His book on Amazon.

On Wednesday night I was at a Meetup with a former cube farm neighbor from Johnson Controls. @Jim Bohn, Ph.D. is much more than that. He provided me excellent advise early in my career and now his book “Getting IT Right” is a home run for my new business. If you are doing an implementation of an organization changing application his Blue Collar approach to explaining what must be done would make his father and teachers proud.

If you don’t have time to meet either of them or read their books feel free to sign up for a coffee or lunch with me here and I would be glad to talk more with you about why you should talk with them.

Book a coffee with us