Flawlessly turning weakness into strength

One question people dread in interviews is, “What is your weakness?” That question generates thousands of answers on the internet. The main theme I always hear though is, “You don’t have to tell your real weakness.” It always amazes me that we expect companies to be open and honest, however at our very first interaction…

How the 4 core skills of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) impact IT professionals

In 2018 it is no longer feasible for IT professionals to be the introvert who sits in the corner coding. There are many skills needed to be successful in IT. Second only to sales is emotional intelligence (EQ). According to Andrew Coleman, from A Dictionary of Psychology: Emotional intelligence (EI), also known as Emotional quotient (EQ) and Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EIQ)[1],…

Giving Back

Last Friday I was meeting with a local CIO and he has a vision to turn his IT shop into the best place to work in IT in Milwaukee. This week I was at a meetup and there was a young lady there who will soon graduate from UW Milwaukee and she is trying to…