Giving Back

Last Friday I was meeting with a local CIO and he has a vision to turn his IT shop into the best place to work in IT in Milwaukee. This week I was at a meetup and there was a young lady there who will soon graduate from UW Milwaukee and she is trying to find a great IT internship. Naturally I thought I should point her to this CIO.

That same day I ran into a neighbor at a local pizza joint. Coincidentally I had tried to connect with him on LinkedIn earlier that day. His company is a little smaller than what my market is but I thought I would connect with him anyway. It got me thinking about how I could serve him as well.

Connecting these 2 events it finally came to me. What if I tried to help make Small to Mid-Sized Business IT in Milwaukee the best in the country? It would fit incredibly well into my service model as Organization is one of the key categories of my assessment model.

So how do those first 3 paragraphs tie to the blog post title of giving back. I have decided that Mentoring is not something that I feel comfortable offering as a paid service. How comfortable will someone being mentored feel if they know their boss is paying for the mentoring service. It starts off the relationship in a very bad way. I will still offer coaching services to paying clients but I am starting a free mentoring group for IT professionals in Small to Mid Sized Business.

So if you are an IT person who works for a company with revenue under 100M and are looking for a mentor, I would love to talk to you about your career. If you are not comfortable with that kind of 1-on-1 attention, I have started a linked in group as well.

Want to sign up for a mentoring session with me go here: Booking Time with Greg

Looking for the linked in group: SE WI Small Business IT Professionals

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